Very Belated and Incomplete Discon III Recap in Pictures

The Locus report on Worldcon 2021 (Discon III) prompted me to go back through my pictures from that weekend. Here are a few of my favorites — I wish I'd thought to take more.

One of the first things I remember about the weekend: the French and Japanese editions of The Quantum Magician, which Derek Künsken was kind enough to bring to the con and sign for me.

Labeling these with Post-Its reading "For Kim-Mei" feels like classic Derek.

It was a pity not to be able to see Sarah Pinsker in person, but it did lead to one of my favorite moments: Kellan/K.M. Szpara (in his capacity as Excellent Friend) brought Sarah to her signing table in the dealers' room on a tablet.

A+ Friendship.

I already tweeted this one in response to Sarah's request for anything cool/creepy about the hotel, but here's the haunted-looking (and closed-for-the-season) swimming pool at the Omni Shoreham.

Sarah's response: "Something will rise."

Another favorite moment: one client (Derek again) asking another (Jordan Ifueko) to sign copies of her own books for his niece!

Jordan has her Sharpie at the ready!

And finally, it wouldn't have been an SFF con weekend without a spaceship: specifically, the P-Funk Mothership at the National Museum of African-American History and Culture.

I love her.